Nose Piercing

Nose piercing is an ancient tradition, and many cultures have followed this custom for thousands of years. The documented history of nose piercings goes back to the Middle East 4,000 years ago.

The tradition has now turned into fashion, and people from all over the world like to wear nose pins and nose rings for beauty purposes. Considering the growing hype of this trend, self-piercing kits are becoming very common.

Even Amazon piercing kits are attainable at very low prices, complete with nose jewelry and a piercing gun.

However, the question is whether it is safe to pierce your nose with a gun. The article digs for an answer to this concern so you can pierce your nose with all the correct information about safe piercing.

Is Nose Piercing Safe?

According to medical science, nose piercing is an entirely safe procedure. However, how you do it and the aftercare is essential for safety. Therefore, knowing how to have your nose pierced and care for the piercing afterward is necessary.

Piercing Spots, Single and Double Nose Piercing

Medical science recommends that it is safer to have your nose pierced at the following spots.

Double Nose Piercing
Double Nose Piercing

  • The nares- It is the fleshy skin that surrounds your nostrils.
  • The septum: It is the firmer cartilage (strong tissues) between your nostrils.
  • The bottom of Septum: It is the soft flesh at the bottom of the cartilage.
  • Double nose piercing: You can have double nose piercings on the same nostril or opposite sides.

Is It Safe to Pierce Your Nose with a Nose-Piercing Gun?

Medical experts and members of APP (Association of Professional Piercers) firmly tell you to refrain from using guns to pierce your nose. The same goes for self-piercing.

The reasons behind avoiding nose piercing from guns are:

  • Piercers don’t change guns after every piercing as they are designed to be reused. However, it is not possible to thoroughly sterilize them, which can expose you to the other person’s blood and body fluids. This can cause bloodborne pathogens risks.
  • The needles on piercing guns are dull compared to the hollow needles. Therefore, a piercer has to apply more pressure to create the fistula, which can damage tissue severely, sometimes even resulting in deformation.
  • The nose pins compatible with piercing guns are not recommended for healing as they are often low-quality.

Why Hollow Needles Are More Suitable for Nose Piercing

Despite the convenience and popularity of piercing guns, a hollow needle remains the best and safest option for piercing. Here are the reasons:

  • Unlike guns, piercing needles are hollow and sharp, so they quickly go through the flesh and tissues, causing less pain.
  • Needles are convenient for single use, eliminating the risk of getting anyone’s blood or fluids. Also, the metal needles are sterilized in high-pressure steam, so you do not catch any bacteria in your piercing.
  • Needle-piercing jewelry is mostly made of stainless steel or high-grade titanium, which keeps you safe from potential allergies and infections. They are also easy to move so the bacteria don’t clog and build up, making enough space and air for piercings to heal.
  • Needle piercings are accurate due to more visibility to the piercer and sharpness.

How to Care for a Nose Piercing

  1. Wash your hands when you touch your piercing or your jewelry.
  2. Clean your piercing by gently cleaning your nose with a saline gauze pad. Pat, it dries with a fresh paper towel.
  3. Do not use potentially contaminated water before your piercing is completely healed. Swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and hot tubs should all be avoided.
  4. Do not apply antimicrobial ointments to the wound.
  5. Avoid using a Q-tip for cleaning the pierced area. Q-tips can leave cotton particles that can stick to the healing fistula.
  6. Do not use any harsh chemicals like Bac tine, alcohol, or Hydrogen Peroxide on the pierced area.
  7. You should not relocate your nose jewelry till it has healed.
  8. Keep your pillow and bedding clean so your nose doesn’t come in contact with any germs.

Extra Safety Measures After Piercing is Done

Saltwater soaking twice a day is the best measure to expedite the healing of your nose piercing. Here is how you can make your saltwater:

  • Buy distilled water from a grocery store.
  • Also, buy all-natural sea salt or non-iodized salt.
  • Make a solution by mixing four teaspoons of salt into a gallon of the water you purchased. Take a coffee cup or shot glass made of glass or porcelain and pour the solution into it.
  • Heat the solution till it is lukewarm by microwaving it for a few seconds.
  • Dunk your pierced nose in the solution. Soak it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse your nose with fresh water afterward and pat dry.

The Last Words

Nose piercings are not without discomfort. You will experience some discomfort and even stinging. A competent piercer conducts the procedure, keeping the pain to a minimum.

If you were to relate the sensation to anything else, it would be similar to a shot or a brow wax. You feel a sting from the needle traveling through the cartilage, followed by some slight acute pain.

A trained piercer will instruct you to take a deep breath and exhale while the piercer forces the needle through. The area will be uncomfortable after the piercing, but the discomfort should be tolerable.

To lessen pain, ensure a full breakfast and avoid coffee before piercing. Caffeine reduces the blood flow, making it more painful.

Moreover, avoid using piercing guns for safer nose piercing and quick healing. Don’t try to do it yourself. Instead, go to a professional who uses sterilized hollow needles to pierce.

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